A carbon footprint is a measurements or calculations of any person who impacts the earth and it’s created to help people to reduce their impact or consuming products or making green house glasses. My score was 1.88 on http://footprint.wwf.uk. And 9.48 in http://www.myfootprint.org. Many people think I should decrease my foot print.
All people can help cut down on cost, pollution and waste around us. I hope to try to help out; I consume a lot of extra unhealthy food products which I defiantly could cut down on. Second of all I leave my house to be over crowded with extra furniture and supplies just lying around all over. Third, I consume and miss use a lot of electricity, which I realize I could defiantly cut down on.
When it comes to foods, I have decided to stop eating so many fatty and carbohydrates foods. Instead of eating so much meat and potato foods products and eating outside foods, I will start eating fruits and vegetables and making my life and body healthier. Second, I will get rid of old furniture and boxes just lying around. I will make sure every room is not over crowded with junk items and papers. I will try to use the fluorescent light bulbs to help save energy. Third of all I will try very hard in many areas to cut down on electricity. I will not leave my laptop charging all night long or download all night long. If I am not watching T.V. I will make sure the electricity is turned off. Even during the hot weather I should try my best to use conditioners only when needed. If I am in a room and it’s not a necessity I will be wise and close the air conditioner.
In conclusion, people should not be wasteful. They should pick up alter them selves and close things when not being used. Everyone can help make life healthier and make the world be safer from global warming.